Features | Standard |
Host Dedicated Event Page
Promote a dedicted event page complete with regsitration details, event description, sponsor details, rules, location, and more.
Yes (With display ads) | Yes (No ads) |
Embed Event Streams
Keep everyone updated with what's happening on your event, even if they aren't with you.
Issue Paid or Unpaid Tickets
Offer event registrants paid or unpaid tickets for both tournament participants and spectators.
Charge Registration Fee
Require registrants to pay a fee you set to participate in your next tournament.
Yes (Includes $0.75/order service fee + Stripe integration) | Yes (Includes $0 service fee + Stripe integration) |
Event Analytics
View stats related to new event registrations, sales, and page views.
Custom Open Graph Banner
Create a custom image and description that will be displayed every time your event is shared on social media.
Share Permissions
Provide other people with various levels of access to manage the event with you.
Yes (With unlimited admins) | Yes (With unlimited admins) |
Simplify Event Check-in
Check in attendees to your event with a dedicated dashboard and the optional use of a barcode scanner.
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